Monday, November 29, 2004


Car Wars!

Yesterday I was having lunch in the John Lewis cafe, which is on the top floor and has a huge curved window looking out onto the wonders of Southampton... shipping containers, docks and a row of warehouse-y superstore things. Anyway, I don't know about anyone else, but there's something hypnotic about watching cars coming and going round a busy car park. At one point, two cars both started to drive into the same space from opposite ends, so they were facing each other. One was a huge new Mondeo-type thing, one was an aging hatchback. Neither would back down. For about 10mins they both sat there, occasionally exchanging hand-gestures. The tension was palpable. Eventually the older car backed off and went and parked in a newly-available space a few feet away. The newer car finished parking (though not very well since the space had a huge bollard thing at the end... haha). Youngish guy & girlfriend got out of the older car and walked towards the shops; the guy first taking a detour to walk up to the other car's front window (presumably to give some friendly advice). The occupants of the newer car sit there... and sit there... and after another 10mins or so, drive off and out of the car park entirely! Did the guy unnerve them sufficiently that they felt their only option was to leg it out of there?! Who knows. Ah well, it kept me entertained for a while anyway.

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