Thursday, November 25, 2004


Epileptic Fridge Boy.

So. In August, my girlfriend and I went to Paris for the weekend. On the way back, at Waterloo, after a long day's travelling and not enough food or sleep, I fainted. Except that apparently I also had some sort of mini-fit, and when I came round I was in an ambulance. They let me go after a few hours after ruling out obvious stuff (including diabetes - !!) and everything was fine. I put it down to just being knackered and obstinate (I'd felt faint for a few minutes beforehand, so I should've known what was coming), and forgot about it.

Just to be on the safe side, though, they booked me in to have an EEG (electroencephalogram, Scrabble fans! It means a brain scan) , which I had done yesterday morning. I didn't get to go inside a big machine thing like I thought, instead I just got 23 electrodes stuck to my head and was told to breathe heavily for 3mins and look at flashy lights and stuff. I then had to go and see a consultant, who hadn't actually seen the results of the EEG, since it had only just finished, which was a bit pointless. He also wanted to talk to my girlfriend, who couldn't get time off work. So he had very little to go on and wants me to go back in January, but in the meantime he's advised me not to drive. This vexes me. I see his point (if I black out I could cause a crash), but I'm sure there's nothing actually wrong with me. It's just a bloody good job I don't actually need to drive at the moment, I guess. "Grrrr" anyway, though.

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