Friday, December 24, 2004


It's Chriiiiiiiistmaaaaaas!!

Well, hello there.
I realise I haven't posted in a while, but I've been worked into the ground recently and besides, nothing particularly exciting has happened to me! Apart from Jesters, which was (of course) fun. I'm back home now, happily doing nothing. But now I can tell you about it :)

I'm glad that all the classic Christmas songs are on the radio at the moment. I like the fact that they all reliably get rolled out every year. I see them as old friends; familiar faces. I know most of them are, strictly speaking, shit; but unlike most shit pop songs, you are guaranteed to only hear them one month a year. So let's hear it for Slade, Wizzard, The Waitresses and whoever it was that did "Stop The Cavalry". And Shane and Kirsty, obviously. And even East 17, if I'm honest. They're as much a part of Christmas these days as trees, presents and carols (in fact they are, in a sense, modern carols), and I for one kinda like it that way.
My secret shame is that I actually quite like East 17's Chrimbo song "Stay". And not in a "it's part of Christmas" way either. Gods...

I bought Donkey Kong Country for the SNES at around the same time that was getting all its ariplay, too, so the two are linked forever in my mind. Whenever I hear the song, I think of the game, and whenever I play the game, I imagine a Christmassy East 17 soundtrack playing instead of the game's actual soundtrack. Perhaps that's why I'm fond of the song?
you're just asking for a rant from me aren't you? :)

but, tis the season to be jolly, and all that. hmm.

anyway have a good christmas mr pug.
Rant away, my friend, rant away ;-)
I know I'm wrong, but I don't care!
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