Friday, January 14, 2005


Day Three: Vellore

This was my first day spent all in the same place. It was, in fact, a day at the office. Not very exciting, but good to be settled. The office was at Vellore’s famous and prestigious Christian Medical College, located in the boulder-strewn hills above the town. Ironically, pretty much the only other thing Vellore is famous for is not being noteworthy for any other reason than its college and associated hospital. The hospital was founded by missionaries to serve what was then a fairly rural area, and the town has since grown up around it. The college campus is lovely – airy, colonial-style buildings standing in well-maintained gardens and grounds. The facilities are sparse, but clean and fairly modern. They have a dial-up Internet connection, so I was able to post some bloggery, but it is very slow so I won’t be uploading any pictures or anything else fancy!
Just make sure you throw up from alcohol while you're out there. Do it for me!

Glad all seems good oot there anyway.
Ah, well I must confess that, in fact, I haven't been blogging every day. I write stuff on my laptop before going to bed, then post everything at once when I get the chance!
Thanks for all the comments, though!
since you didn't mention throwing up, i'm assuming you've already done it? ;)

keep the updates coming, it's good to hear aboot what you're up to. see you soon.
Heh... sorry, Bob, I had to type that comment very quickly and I forgot to reply to you :(
I haven't thrown up yet - this is a predominantly Hindu area, so alcohol is scarce. On the other hand, I'm not feeling so good this morning, so who knows, maybe by the end of the day...
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