Monday, January 31, 2005


What's going on in the world?!

Apart from all the warmongering, paranoia and sensationalism, I mean.

This morning I heard the new Stereophonics single, and...

...well, it's not actually too bad! It sounds kinda Snow Patrol-y, and will hardly revolutionise music or anything, but it's the first of their songs since Bartender and the Thief to not make me want to throw the radio at the wall.

I'm confused.

You never were much of a fan of Sterophonics were you? I think its a bit ordinary really, like all their singles of late.

You heard of Blockparty. Lovin their work.
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Hello, Mr/Mrs Anonymous!
Nah, I still like "Word Gets Around", but most of the stuff they've done since then has been more than bad enough to sway my opinion :)
Especially "Have a nice day".

I'm reading a lot about Bloc Party at the moment, but I don't think I've actually heard any of their stuff. Who do they sound like?

P.S. Who actually are you?
Haha! Next thing you know you'll be humming along to Aerosmith. It's a slippery slope...

How are you, anyway, you big eejit? Your website appears to be broken.
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