Friday, February 11, 2005


Friday feeling

I'm bored, and feel like I should post, but I haven't really got much to say.
Hmm. The two biggest British news stories of the past couple of days are both really dull and inconsequential; but they still irritate me, I'm ashamed to say.

1) The Brits. Ok, the Scissor Sisters opened it with a fantastic Jim Henson-y stage show complete with a singing house, but otherwise, meh. "Angels" by Robbie Williams the best song of the last 25 years? Pah. Joss Stone best 'urban' act? Give me a break. There are no urban areas in Devon*, and besides, if anything she's a soul act.

2) Charles & Camilla. Man and woman get married. Wahey. The only interest here is the amusement gained by watching the C of E try to decide whether cohabitation or a divorcee re-marrying was the bigger no-no. Who cares? Henry VIII did much worse. And the spectre of Di has inevitably returned: Camilla won't be known as Princess of Wales (although officially she will be), and some people are seriously suggesting that Charles shouldn't re-marry at all, so as to not dishonour Di's memory. Argh!

Ah well. I'm off to get drunk in a couple of hours. Have a good weekend everyone!

Edit: Idlewild tickets have arrived, yay!
Edit 2: Al has passed me the baton, and I shall complete it presently.

*yes, this is a comedy exaggeration. Well, an exaggeration, anyway.

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