Sunday, March 27, 2005


Doctor Who?

So, I'm relaxing after a nice big Easter Sunday roast and a couple of glasses of wine :)

What did everyone think of the new Doctor Who last night? I have to admit to not having watched it when I was a kid, but from what I'd heard - and my parents agreed with this - the new series fairly accurately captures the spirit and feel of earlier series. I for one was thoroughly entertained, anyway. Hammy acting, pretty ludicrous storylines, but extremely imaginative without taking itself at all seriously. Plus added Billie, of course, which is no bad thing.

Just one thing: although Christopher Eccleston is wonderfully deadpan ("Lots of planets have a North!"), he looks less like an eccentric Doctor than he does an extra for the Matrix. Get kitted out in a crazy patterned scarf and tatty jacket, Chris, and you'll be spot on. Thinking about it, though, it just wouldn't suit him, would it...
I think you're bang on the money here, Dave. I'm not a particular fan of the originals, and while this new series isn't going to make me watch the earlier seasons to be honest, I did enjoy it.

From the little I've seen of the last few seasons (the mid 80s stuff), the BBC have done a good job of keeping the silly humour and entertaining the family. A lot of people seem to be slagging of this new season as being too silly and not "a proper drama", but it strikes me that they're completely missing the point. They have a go at Billie's acting ability... but have they ever *seen* Doctor Who? Hammy acting is it's strength! :D

I guess Dr Who used to be scary, but I think a lot of that was lost by the 80s, and you'd have to be pretty extreme to be scary on television these days. I've heard from several people who watched it with their young kids (from 3 - 10 years) that they all enjoyed it, and some of the younger kids did find it quite scary, so it sounds like it's done it's job. It's pretty hard for me, being 22 and all, to judge what is and isn't scary for the younger kids anyway.
Hey pgd,
don't normally look at blogs but accidently looked at this and thought I'd comment.

Dr Who..
I really liked the originals, although I haven't seem them for years and don't know if I would still like them. They were flippin scary and I am sure I have had Darlek (sp?) nightmares.

I think I like the new one and I think it does capture so aspects of the original. I definitely like Eccleton and I am sad that he seems to be leaving after one series! Grr. He's great. The deadpan thing works well but he's also nice and quirky.

I'm a bit unsure of Billy and keep getting distracted by wondering whether Chris Evans is watching and is he missing her... and wondering what Billy is like in real life! (I'm such a girl!!) I think I will soon get used to her being rose and then I will be able to judge whether I like her character or not.

I liked the second episode more than the first so there is hope yet.

Speaking of being a girl, I took the BBC Brain-sex I.D quiz the other day and I have a male brain!!! I got the average score for men. Hmmm....
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